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#1579: Book of the Dead

Item ID 1579 For Sale No
Identifier Death_Note_M Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Book of the Dead Type Weapon - Book
NPC Buy 20 Weight 100
NPC Sell 10 Weapon Level 4
Range 1 Defense 0
Slots 2 Refineable Yes
Attack 137 Min Equip Level 85
MATK 0 Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Main Hand
Equip Upper Normal / Upper / Baby / Third / Third Upper / Third Baby
Equippable Jobs Priest / Sage / Star Gladiator
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Item Use Script

1 bonus bMatkRate,15; bonus bStr,3; bonus bInt,3; bonus bLuk,-20; bonus2 bComaRace,RC_DemiHuman,10; bonus2 bComaRace,RC_Player,10; bonus bAspdRate,getrefine(); if(BaseJob==Job_Sage) bonus3 bAutoSpell,"NPC_HELLJUDGEMENT",5,20;

Equip Script None
Unequip Script None
Description A book containing names, used by the agents of death. There are times when the book of the dead is circulated in this world because they have dropped the book in the realm of the living.
There are tons of names written in here, and there seems to be names of people you might know well ... It says Holg ... .
STR +3, INT +3, LUK -20
MATK +15%
Add a 10% chance of auto casting Coma effect on ^6666CCDemihuman^000000 monster.
Reduces after attack delay based on upgrade level.
[Sage class]
There is a small chance to cause damage and Curse status ailment to every enemies in the screen they are in.
Class: Book
Attack: 137
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 85
Jobs: Priest, Sage and Star Gladiator